My Astrophotography Pages.

This is what can be done quite simply with a Digital SLR. The first 2 are stock. The rest I removed the Filter to allow all the Ha Light to pass. It's a rough and ready way to take Astro images. But for now I am happy with this point and shoot approach with ultra ease.

31/01/2014 - My first image. The Orion Nebula. Taken at Linden with a Meade SC8 and a F6.3 focal reducer. Using a Canon 100D stock. 10 x 40 sec subs

01/02/2014 - My First attempt at the Hose Head Nebula. Taken with a Meade SC8 and a F6.3 Focal reducer. Using a Canon 100D stock. 5 x 5min subs.

11/03/2014 - The very Large Carina Nebula. Taken from my backyard in the Western Suburbs of Sydney. A Modded Canon 1100D using a 300mm Zoom lense. 10 x 30 Sec Subs.

20/04/2014 - My Second attempt at the Horse Head Nebula. Taken at Linden with a meade SC8 and F6.3 Focal reducer. Using a Modded Canon 1100D. 25 x 2 min subs.
20/04/2014 - The Keyhole Nebula. One small part of the large Carina Nebula. Taken at Linden with a Meade SC8. Using a Modded Cannon 1100D. 15 x 1 Min subs.

20/04/2014 - NGC 2438. A small Nebula sitting in front of the M46 Cluster. Taken at Linden with a meade SC8. Using a modded Canon 1100D. 5 x 5 Min subs.

23/04/2014 - Orion Wide Field view. Taken at Linden with a Modded Canon 1100D with a 300mm Zoom lense. 15 Subs at 2 Min each. This shot shows 4 Nebula's in the Orion belt. Orion - Running Man - Horse Head and Flame.
23/04/2014 - The Large Magelanic Cloud. Shot at Linden with a Modded Canon 1100D with a 300mm Zoom lense. 15 Subs at 1 Min each. The Tarantula Nebula is visible in the top right of the cloud.

24/04/2014 - The Lagoon Nebula. Taken from my Backyard in the western Suburbs of Sydney. A meade SC8 with a F6.3 Focal reducer. Modded Canon 1100D. 20 Subs at 30 Sec each.

24/04/2014 - The Trifid Nebula. Taken from my backyard in the western Suburbs of Sydney. Meade SC8 with a F6.3 Focal reducer. Modded Canon 1100D. 20 Subs at 30 Sec each. There is a Small Blue Part of the Nebula which is missing due to the Modded Camera.

17/04/2014 - Omega Centauri Cluster. Taken at Linden with a Meade SC8 and F6.3 Focal reducer. Stock Canon 100D. 10 Subs at 30 seconds each.

16/04/2014 - The Moon... Taken at Linden with a Meade SC8 and F6.3 Focal Reducer. Stock Canon 100D. 10 Subs at  1/1000 Sec.
23/05/2014 - Eagle Nebula. Taken at Linden with a Meade SC8 and a F6.3 Focal reducer. Modded Canon 1100D. Best 10 Subs at 1 Min each.

23/05/2014 - Wide Field view showing the Lagoon Nebula. Trifid Nebula and some nice part of the Milky Way.
Taken at Linden with a Stock Canon 100D. 75mm Lense.  2 subs 5 Mins each . Even the Blue Reflection came
out in the Trifid Nebula. Hard to see in the resized image though. The Full image is 51 MB.

07/06/2014 - Omega Nebula. Taken at Linden with a Meade SC8 and F6.3 Focal reducer. Modded Canon 1100D. 10 Subs at 2 Min each.
07/06/2014 - Dumbbell Nebula. Taken at Linden with a Meade SC8 and F6.3 Focal reducer. Modded Canon 1100D. 10 Subs at 1 Min each.
Should have been better but this was Very low in the horizon over sydney. Too much Sky glow for longer exposure.
07/06/2014 - Saturn. My first attempt at imaging a Planet. Meade SC8. Neximage 5 Video Camera.
Mounted on a Baader Hyperion 10mm Eyepiece with 45 mm spacer.
This is the true size it came out at. I am sure it can be improved heaps but I
don't know how to process planets.

Processed in Registax. 100 Frames at 640x480
19/07/2014 - Centauris A. 15 Subs at 2 Min each. Meade SC8. Stock Canon 100D.
19/07/2014 - Dumbbell Nebula. Second attempt when it was higher in the sky. Longer exposures this time.
10 Subs at 2 Min each. Modded Canon 1100D. Meade SC8.
19/07/2014 - Helix Nebula. Only 3 subs at 5 Min each. The clouds came over.
Meade SC8.  Modded Canon 1100D.
19/07/2014 - Southern Pinwheel Galaxy. 15 Subs at 2 Min each. Meade SC8. Stock Canon 100D.

19/07/2014 - Sombrero Galaxy. 15 Subs at 2 Min each. Meade SC8. Stock Canon 100D.
I think I needed longer exposures.
26/07/2014 - Trifid Nebula again. This time using a Stock Canon 100D. Meade SC8. 20 Subs at 3 mins each.
26/07/2014 - Helix Nebula again. This time I used the F6.3 Focal Reducer to increase the speed of the scope.
And as many subs as I could wait for. A total of 36 Subs at 5 Mins each. That is 3 hours
of data. I also did 5 darks. Meade SC8 with F6.3 Focal reducer. Modded Canon 1100D.